Typically mounted to RaDAPS, the Metek Micro Rain Radar (MRR) provides high resolution vertical profiles of precipitation properties and Doppler spectra. The MRR is a vertically pointing K-band radar that retrieves radar reflectivity, rain rate, liquid water content, fall speed, Doppler spectra, and drop size distributions. In the K-band, bright band detection and some cloud detection is possible. The MRR offers adjustable vertical resolution with up to 30 gates sampled which allows for increasing the maximum height retrieved. With a range gate spacing of 200 m, the maximum height retrieved is up to 6 km. Temporal resolution is also adjustable from 30-3600 seconds. The MRR can easily be removed and added to the MIPS platform to provide drop size distribution information to compliment the XPR. |
MRR derived radar reflectivity. Associated particle fall velocity from the figure above. Associated drop size distribution from the stratiform rain depicted above showing a large number of small drops withing the first gate. |