Parsivel Disdrometer

Mounted to both the MIPS and RaDAPS facilities, MAPNet uses the OTT Hydromet Parsivel disdrometer. Using laser technology, the parsivel disdrometer detects falling precipitation and classifies them into 32 diameter and velocity classes. The disdrometer also provides visibility, reflectivity estimates, and rain total and intensity measurements. The disdrometers can also be removed from the platforms to provide measurements in remote or independent locations. Tipping bucket rain gauges are also co-located with the disdrometers on both platforms for ground-truth comparisons.

The disdrometer mounted on MIPS.

  • Particle Size: 0.2 - 8 mm
  • Particle Velocity: 0.2 - 20 m/s
  • Number of Classes: 32

RaDAPS MRR data combined with disdrometer-derived rain rate which can be used for ground verification of the MRR.

An example of a drop size distribution during stratiform precipitation over MIPS.