Measuring raindrop properties such as size distributions, drop formation, and fall speeds is important to meteorologists, specifically relating to precipitation physics. To measure these characteristics, disdrometers and high frequency, vertically pointing radars are needed. The OTT Hydrometer Parsivel disdrometer is a laser disdrometer which measures precipitation drop size and velocity and classifies them into 32 size and velocity classes. This information provides researchers valuable insight into precipitation characteristics, as well as ground verification of radar measurements. The disdrometer measures particle size and velocity by first producing a horizontal strip of light via a laser. As precipitation falls through this light, it blocks a certain amount of light. Drop size and velocity is then determined based on the amount of light that is blocked and the length of time it blocked. The MIPS disdrometer. |
MIPS disdrometer-derived drop size distribution within stratiform precipation. Data was taken on 5 Dec 2022. Transmitted light is blocked by the precipation. Disdrometer data can be used for verification of radar measurements. MRR reflectivity (top panel), MRR fall velocity (middle panel), and disdrometer rain rate (bottom panel) data recorded a QLCS passage with trailing stratiform. |