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Allen, S., 1981: Australian low-level jet climatology. Meteorological Note 119, Department of Science and Technology, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 23 pp.

Avissar R. and Y. Liu, 1996: Three-dimensional numerical study of shallow convective clouds and precipitation induced by land surface forcing. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7499-7518.

Avissar, R. and T. Schmidt, 1998: An evaluation of scale at which ground-surface heat flux patchiness affects the convective boundary layer using large-eddy simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 2666-2689.

Bastable H. G., W. J. Shuttleworth, R. L. G. Dallarosa, G. Fisch and C. A. Nobre, 1993: Observations of climate, albedo and surface radiation over cleared and undisturbed Amazonian forest. Int. J. of Clim., 13, 783-796.

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Christopher, S. A., and J. Zhang, 2002a: Shortwave aerosol radiative forcing from MODIS and CERES observations over the oceans. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, NO. 18, 1859, doi:10.1029/2002GL014803.

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Gillies, R.R., T. N. Carlson., J. Cui, W. P. Kustas, and K. S. Humes, 1997: A verification of the 'triangle' method for obtaining surface soil water content and energy fluxes from remote measurements of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and surface radiant temperature, Int. J. of Remote Sens., 18, 3145-3166.

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Lawton, R. O., U. S. Nair, R. A. Pielke, R. M. Welch, 2001: Climatic impact of tropical lowland deforestation on nearby montane cloud forests. Science, 294, 584-587.

Lyons T. J., P. Schwerdtfeger, J. M. Hacker, I. J. Foster, R. C. G. Smith, and H. Xinmei, Land-atmosphere interaction in a semiarid region, 1993: The bunny fence experiment, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 74, 1327-1334.

Lyons T. J., R. C. G. Smith, and H.. Xinmei, 1996: The Impact of Clearing for Agriculture on the Surface Energy Budget. Int. J. Clim., 16, 551-558.

Lyons, T.J., L.Fuqin, J.M. Hacker, W. Cheng and H. Xinmei, 2001: Regional turbulent statistics over contrasting natural surfaces. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys, 78, 183-194.
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Pielke, R.A, Sr.., 2002: Mesoscale meteorological modeling. 2nd Edition, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 676 pp.

Pielke R. A. Sr., R. L. Walko, L. T. Steyaert, P. L. Vidale, G. E. Liston, W. A. Lyons and T. N. Chase, 1998: The influence of anthropogenic landscape changes on weather in South Florida. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 1663-1673.

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Zhong, S., J. C. Doran, 1998: An Evaluation of the importance of surface flux variability on GCM-Scale boundary-layer characteristics using realistic meteorological and surface forcing. Journal of Climate, 11, 2774–2788.


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