Biomass-Burning Influence on
TOMS-derived Tropospheric Ozone in the Tropics


Mike Newchurch
Atmospheric Science Department
University of Alabama in Huntsville

Jae H. Kim
Department of Earth System Science
Korea National University of Education

presented at the
AGU Fall meeting
San Francisco, CA

December, 1997



Using NIMBUS-7 version-7 TOMS ozone column measurements, we derive lower-tropospheric ozone amounts over western South America and over the western Pacific Ocean near New Guinea from the column difference between two nearby regions with a topographic contrast, mountain and sea level.

The seasonal variation of lower-tropospheric ozone over New Guinea shows a distinguishable annual cycle with a maximum in July-September and a minimum in January-February. Because the ozone monthly variation is well anti-correlated with monthly rainfall, biomass burning appears to be a likely precursor of the elevated ozone in a mechanism similar to the mechanism observed over South America and Africa. The tropospheric-ozone linear trend derived from a regression of the deseasonalized monthly averaged lower-tropospheric ozone amount versus time east of New Guinea (upwind of the biomass-burning areas) shows no significant trend; however, west of New Guinea (downwind of the biomass burning regions) we find a statistically significant increase. The magnitude of this trend is similar to the magnitude of the trend in the lower-troposphere ozone in western South America. The tropospheric-ozone linear trend derived from a regression of the deseasonalized monthly averaged lower-tropospheric ozone amount versus time east of New Guinea (upwind of the biomass-burning areas) shows no significant trend; however, west of New Guinea (downwind of the biomass burning regions) we find a statistically significant increase. The magnitude of this trend is similar to the magnitude of the trend in the lower-troposphere ozone in western South America.





                SAGE data do not accurately represent the stratospheric ozone field because of its low spatial and                   temporal resolution in the tropics.

                Because the overall derived lower-tropopspheric ozone over New Guinea is less than that over                   eastern South America [Kim and Newchurch, 1996], the tropospheric column ozone amounts (surface                   to tropopause) varying from non-biomass to biomass burning seasons over the western Pacific may                   be smaller than the sensitivity of the TOR method.

